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Certification of ComplianceCheck one of the following options: FORMCHECKBOX Subrecipient DOES HAVE a Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Policy compliant with requirements in 42.CFR.50 and 45.CFR.94, and Subrecipient Investigators will rely on this policy and associated procedures. FORMCHECKBOX  Subrecipient DOES NOT HAVE a Financial Conflict of Interest Policy compliant with requirements in CFR Part 50 and Part 94, and Subrecipient Investigators will comply with VCOMs Financial Conflict of Interest In Research Policy, available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.vcom.edu/ora/ORApp.html" http://www.vcom.edu/ora/ORApp.html.  3. FCOI Initial ReportCheck one of the following options: FORMCHECKBOX Subrecipient certifies that there is currently NO FCOI for any subrecipient investigators and agrees to notify SWAGƵOffice of Research Administration of any subsequently identified FCOI within 45 days of identification. FORMCHECKBOX Subrecipient certifies that the attached FCOI disclosure forms for all subrecipient Investigators are a complete and current list and agrees to notify SWAGƵOffice of Research Administration of any subsequently identified FCOI within 45 days of identification. 4. FCOI Subsequent ReportingUpon execution of a subaward, should this project be awarded by the PHS Agency:If the subrecipient complies with their own FCOI policy, the written subaward agreement shall specify timelines for the subrecipient institution to report all identified financial conflicts of interest to VCOM. If the subrecipient applies VCOMs Policy to its Investigators, the written subaward agreement shall establish timelines and information requirements for the subrecipient to submit all Investigator disclosures of significant financial interest to VCOM.  5. CertificationSignature of Subrecipients Authorized Official:I certify that the above information is complete and true to the best of my knowledge, and my institution is knowledgeable about the PHS FCOI requirements, and is prepared to enter into an inter-institutional agreement requiring adherence to those regulations. Signature:Date:Printed Name: FORMTEXT      Title: FORMTEXT       Instructions This form must be completed by the potential subrecipient on a proposal that VCOM intends to submit for funding to one of the PHS agencies listed below. The PHS Conflict of Interest regulations, specifically  HYPERLINK "http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2012-title42-vol1/xml/CFR-2012-title42-vol1-part50-subpartF.xml" 42.CFR.50 Subpart F, Promoting Objectivity in Research and  HYPERLINK "http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2012-title45-vol1/xml/CFR-2012-title45-vol1-part94.xml" 45.CFR.94, Responsible Prospective Contractors, require institutions to collect certain information from subrecipients at time of proposal and during the life of the project, if awarded. It is mandatory for subrecipient Authorized Officials to check one of the options in Section 2. If the subrecipient Authorized Official has checked box 2, they are certifying that the subrecipient does not have its own FCOI Policy and will follow VCOMs Policy, available here:  HYPERLINK "http://www.vcom.edu/ora/ORApp.html" http://www.vcom.edu/ora/ORApp.html. Adherence to VCOMs FCOI Policy includes agreeing to comply with the reporting timelines specified in Section5 and Section 10, as well as training requirements as detailed in Section 12. It is mandatory for the subrecipient Authorized Official to check one of the options in Section 3. If the subrecipient Authorized Official has checked box 2, all investigator FCOI disclosures must be returned with this form to VCOM. The term Investigator is defined as: The project director or principal Investigator and any other person, regardless of title or position, who is responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of research funded by the PHS, or proposed for such funding, which may include, for example, collaborators or consultants. Definition is take from 45,CFR.50.603 and 45.CFR.94.3. Note that this form, as well as any FCOI disclosures if applicable, must be on file before SWAGƵcan submit a proposal containing the subrecipients application. Please submit this form, and FCOI disclosures if applicable, to the  HYPERLINK "http://www.vcom.edu/ora/" SWAGƵOffice of Research Administration. List of the Public Health Service Agencies: National Institutes of Health (NIH) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Health Resources Services and Administration (HRSA) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Indian Health Services (IDS) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR)     " R T {qdSd?S'jch^h+OJQJU^J!jh^h+OJQJU^Jh^h+OJQJ^Jh+OJQJ^J#hKh+5CJOJQJ^JaJh+h+5OJQJ^JhO5OJQJ^JhOhO5OJQJ^Jh^h OJQJ^Jh^hrN^OJQJ^Jh h 5OJQJ^Jh hrN^5OJQJ^Jh h 5OJQJ^JhOJQJ   < T ~~ P$Ifgd~ P$IfgdR0$qqP$If]q^qa$gdjCkd$$IfTl4)L*L*4 laf4yt+T $$Ifa$gd gd    & ( * 4 6 > b d f z | ~ ˭˙˅ti[hKh-5OJQJ^JhO5OJQJ^J h+h+CJ OJQJ^JaJ 'jh^h+OJQJU^J'j7h^h+OJQJU^J'jh^h+OJQJU^Jh+OJQJ^Jh^h+OJQJ^J!jh^h+OJQJU^J,jh^h+OJQJU^JmHnHu# shh]] P$Ifgd~ P$IfgdR0kd$$IfTl4p\X ()   L*4 laf4p ytT  8 : shh]] P$Ifgd~ P$IfgdR0kdN$$IfTl4^\X ()    L*4 laf4p ytT: < > d sh]RR P$Ifgd~ P$Ifgd P$IfgdR0kd$$IfTl4^\X ()    L*4 laf4p ytT sh_ $Ifgd+ P$IfgdR0kd $$IfTl4^\X ()    L*4 laf4p ytT  wl P$Ifgd$qqP$If]q^qa$gdjxgdOjkd$$IfTl40) `&  L*2 s4 laf4p ytT    ! 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(This link will open a .pdf file.)      SUBRECIPIENT FINANCIAL Conflict of Interest CERTIFICATION Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine Office of Research Administration Page  PAGE 1 of 2 Form Revised: 3.11.15 ddddddddee/e0e1e2e4e5e7e8e:e;e=e>eJeTeUeje޾|obP"hrhr5;CJOJQJaJhr5CJOJQJaJhb5CJOJQJaJ$hrN^5CJOJQJaJmHnHujh}UmHnHuh?jh?Uh )OJQJ^JhhOJQJhhyi0JOJQJ^J!jRhyiOJQJU^JjhyiOJQJU^Jh[OJQJ^JhyiOJQJ^J/e0e1e3e4e6e7e9e:ee4-f5҄K2TrlڀkT Cz`kB0KJwV^CcP68 5XLP >SP*:ydRQV/+' 8Tyoc}1*9^K>(F]Z>\ @I3mD8q?p2#WQ9ͅɬt@%k @y\Ol"JZs|p0ϠSQM8T%}X+'<m%KK2[>L4[ %‘_fJDYZVSŒjs,cwtaT+no74l A6'Mr2ʆ^x*s@:5)6{SP8>8pT2 䕋F Dz:+`Y$FR! 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