When I look back on my time at VCOM, I think fondly about the lifelong friends I met, the early struggles of being in the inaugural class, and persevering and watching friends accomplish their goals and matching into their #1 specialty and location.
Name of practice or hospital where you currently work
University of Massachusetts Medical Center
Orthopedic Sports Fellow
What my Practice looks like today
Finishing my last year of training. Using every opportunity to learn as much as possible before starting my own practice. Hoping to start my practice back in the Carolinas region.
What is the best advice you can give a medical student to help them in their path towards being a physician?
Be persistent, stay humble, and remained focused on the reason you wanted to become a physician in the first place.
The accomplishment I am most proud of thus far in my career is
The accomplishment I am most proud of thus far in my career is matching into Orthopedics.
When I look back on my time at VCOM, I think fondly about
When I look back on my time at VCOM, I think fondly about the lifelong friends I met, the early struggles of being in the inaugural class, and persevering and watching friends accomplish their goals and matching into their #1 specialty and location.
For me, the most unforgettable moment in medical school was
For me, the most unforgettable moment in medical school was graduation day.
When I am not working, I enjoy
When I am not working, I enjoy relaxing and spending time with my family.