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Jamie Rogers

Jamie Rogers
Campus: Carolinas
Prior School: North Carolina Central University
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Hometown: Cary, NC

As an African American medical student with family member mental health conditions ranging from addiction to Bipolar disorder, I have noticed the impact of the lack of discussion about mental health in minority communities, and its negative results.

Who or what inspired you to study medicine?

It would be difficult for me to simply describe one person that has contributed the most to my choice of a career in medicine. My path towards medicine was directed by multiple influential voices throughout my life. My father, early-on contributed the most to my choice of a career in medicine. Through shadowing experiences in the legal system, I realized that my passion to advocate for people in unfortunate circumstances needed to be integrated at a more long-term, proactive level than what I observed with law. Amazing NCCU collegiate professors contributed by developing my interest in the different aspects of science that create the foundation for practicing medicine. Doctors that I have shadowed have allowed me the opportunity to dive deeper into the clinical side of medicine while inspiring my interest in various specialties. Overall, the most important product that came from all these experiences was my appreciation of how this career path allows for a holistic connection with another person during difficult times and the opportunity to help alleviate their pain, physically and/or psychologically.

Why did you choose VCOM?

I remember being introduced to SWAG视频and osteopathic medicine at a Medical School Fair during my undergraduate years. Before that time, I knew nothing about osteopathic medicine. During that seminar, I was fascinated in learning about how osteopathic doctors specialize in incorporating the patient as a whole and the philosophy by which they practice medicine. Considering more than just the textbook disorder or chief complaint, but also applying the patient's social, economic, and psychological states into their complete assessment and diagnosis. After completing an interview day at SWAG视频Carolinas I had a strong feeling that this was the right school for me. Throughout that day, I enjoyed how family-oriented it felt and how comfortable it was for me to envision myself starting a new and challenging chapter of my life at SWAG视频Carolinas.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Outside of medicine, I enjoy sports and DIY home projects. I have played tennis since I was 4 years old and competitively from 9 years-old. During the busy medical school schedule, I usually try to incorporate my love for tennis through clinics in the Spartanburg area and joining a local 5.0 USTA league to relieve my itch to compete against other local players. When I am not studying or playing tennis, I enjoy creating ideas about future DIY projects. I truly believe if I had not chosen medicine, I would have been an interior designer. I enjoy using thrift store or vintage furniture and implementing them into a completed design plan. As you could probably guess, HGTV is the most-watched network in my apartment.

Are you interested in a particular practice or specialty once you graduate? What has inspired your interest in this specialty?

I am interested in practicing psychiatry as a physician. As an African American medical student with family member mental health conditions ranging from addiction to Bipolar disorder, I have noticed the impact of the lack of discussion about mental health in minority communities, and its negative results. I believe the mind is a powerful organ, that when damaged in any aspect, can lead to long-lasting physical, social, and psychological effects that should be addressed, not stigmatized.