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Sara Glendinning

Sara Glendinning
Graduates: Class of 2023
Campus: Carolinas
Prior School: Anderson University (SC)
Degree: Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry
Hometown: Conway, SC

We each stand up for each other, encourage one another to keep pressing on and remind each other why we chose this profession.

Who or what has inspired you while at VCOM?

My fellow classmates truly inspire me to learn, not just for the next test, but for our future patients. Before going to medical school I heard stories of medical school classmates tearing others down and while I hoped my journey would be different than that, I had no idea just how different it would be. I now feel as though I have over 150 best friends. We each stand up for each other, encourage one another to keep pressing on and remind each other why we chose this profession. While the journey through medical school is arduous, I am so thankful to go through it with some of the most hard-working, down to earth, caring, and brilliant people around.

How has the SWAGĘÓƵmission-inspired you as a medical student?

VCOM's mission to train highly qualified physicians to serve underserved communities is seen in almost every class. For example, recently we were learning about medications for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Not only did our professors teach us pharmacology of each medication, but reminded us of the importance of finding a medication that will suit the individual patient and their needs including the timing of taking the medication and the cost. The attention to detail that each professor makes to ensure that we will be the most qualified physicians we can be truly inspires me to work hard and learn all that I can.

Who or what inspired you to study medicine?

I have known for most of my life that I wanted a career that could “help people.” In high school I had the opportunity to shadow a physical therapist and during that experience I kept asking questions that kept getting answered with, I’m not sure, you should ask their doctor. It was from those moments and many others that I began the transition to choosing medicine as my career. The opportunity to have a patient trust you to care for their needs, advocate for them, and understand the pathophysiology behind their disease truly excites me. I can’t think of another career where the deep and thorough understanding of science goes hand-in-hand with personal relationships with patients. I am truly so excited to be on the path to becoming Dr. Glendinning.

Why did you choose VCOM?

VCOM’s mission to “prepare globally-minded, community-focused physicians” is truly what brought me to VCOM. Although I am not sure what type of medicine I will practice, I know my goal is to work as a doctor in a small community while also working overseas when possible. The opportunity to have the knowledge base that can go out to a community that may not have access to a physician is my passion and is one reason why I chose medicine as a career. VCOM’s mission trips to Central America were what first sparked my interest, but since then SWAGĘÓƵhas truly impressed me. Their goal to make me the most well-qualified physician I can be is made evident daily in the way each faculty member, staff, and student works diligently to foster a mindset of learning and care for our future patients.

What do you enjoy most about living in the area around your campus?

Spartanburg is truly the best location for medical school. It is not a big town, so it doesn't take long to run errands or get to school, but it is thirty minutes to an hour from almost anything you would ever want. I like to spend my weekends in Greenville or Asheville as almost a little getaway where I can hike, bike, or run in the mountains. As far Spartanburg goes, there are plenty of cute, family-owned coffee shops and restaurants and plenty of walking trails to keep me busy when I'm not studying!

What do you like to do in your free time?

One on my mottos is that you have to make time to a human or else you just be a study robot. It sounds silly, but medicine can easily take over your life if you let it so I constantly fight to keep a work-life balance. Maintaining relationships with family and friends outside of medicine helps to keeps me balanced. As far as things I like to do during my free time - one of my favorite hobbies is road cycling. In fact the summer I applied to medical school my parents and I did RAGBRAI which is a week-long bike ride across the state of Iowa. We did 428 miles in 7 days! It also helped to shape my focus on rural medicine (win-win)! Aside from biking, I also enjoy baking, hiking, running, and traveling.